Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Understanding The cause Of Cancer

While cancer has many causes, the medical community feels that poor immunity is an important factor. Strengthening immunity is therefore a key approach to preventing and fighting cancer.

What is the link between cancer and the immune system? The immune response has been suppressed in many cancer patients, and they do not response to the skin immunity test. This kind of immune suppression may occur in the early stages of cancer, but is most evident in the final stage. In general, there is a higher incidence of cancer in persons with deficient or suppressed immune systems, and in organ transplant patients whose immune systems have been purposely suppressed. Some people therefore feel that abnormal cells are continuously produced by the body, but are ordinarily eliminated by a so-called "immunological surveillance" mechanism. And when this mechanism malfunctions, the abnormal cells are likely to change into cancer cells.

Tumor cells arise from body cells that have mutated and whose growth is no longer under control. The growth of normal cells is subject to certain restrictions. For instance, the mutual contact between cells inhibits their growth. But since the molecular structure of tumor cells' cell membranes has changed, they are no longer subject to inhibition. They cannot be discovered by the immunological surveillance system, and cancer therefore occurs.

There is currently no 100% effective method of treating cancer. Apart from electrotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, the best method of preventing and treating cancer is to strengthen immunity.

Reference: Ho Kang-chieh; 1981; Immunotherapy of Cancer: Mechanisms, Methods, Results, and Prospects; Contemporary Medicine, 8: 456-460.

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