Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Apa Yang Boleh Anda Lakukan Untuk Mencegah Kanser Payudara? / What Can You Do To Fight Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is curable if detected and treated early. Breast cancer is one of the cancer, that is easily detected. Early detection is done through breast examination. All women aged 20 and above must do Breast Self-Examination (BSE) every month throughout their lifetime. For those above 30, they should also get a Breast Examination done by a doctor or other medical personnel yearly. Regular breast examination will allow a woman to discover cancer of the breast at an early stage when treatment is more effective.

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Rahsia Penawar Kanser Leukemia - Susu Kuda Liar

Rakaman dari Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) di TV3 tentang susu kuda liar. Di dalam susu inilah terdapatnya rahsia penyembuhan bagi penyakit Leukemia, jenis kanser darah yang paling digeruni dan paling bahaya.