Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Reversing The Cancer Epidemic

5 Jenayah Kolar Putih / White Collar Crime

There is an overwhelming disparity between the full force of criminal law and punishment directed at perpetrators of theft, property damage, or personal violence and the lenient civil proceedings against managers and executives of industries and their consultants who knowingly manipulate, occupational and consumer hazards of their products and processes. White collar crime legislation is needed to correct this imbalance.

In the absence of such legislative disincentives, white collar crime in the areas of environment and health safety has continued unabated and extended into global markets.

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Rahsia Penawar Kanser Leukemia - Susu Kuda Liar

Rakaman dari Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) di TV3 tentang susu kuda liar. Di dalam susu inilah terdapatnya rahsia penyembuhan bagi penyakit Leukemia, jenis kanser darah yang paling digeruni dan paling bahaya.