Monday, November 19, 2007

Bahan-Bahan Kimia Penyebab Kanser Dalam Daging Yang Dimasak/Cancer-Causing Chemicals In Cooked Meats

Adakah daging barbeku, ayam goreng dan lain-lain daging yang dipanggang atau digril menjadi makanan kesukaan anda sekeluarga? Jika ya, berhati-hatilah. Menurut Institut Kanser Kebangsaan Amerika (NCI) daging barbeku dan bergoreng mengandungi mutagen (bahan-bahan kimia yang boleh merosakkan DNA) dan bahan-bahan karsinogen (sebatian yang boleh menyebabkan kanser) seperti heterocyclic amines (HCAs), dan polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs).


Are barbecued beef, fried chicken and other charcoal-roasted or grilled meats your favourite foods? If so, beware. Actually, fried and barbecued meats contain mutagens (chemicals that may damage the DNA) and carcinogens (compounds shown to cause cancer) such as heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

How The Chemicals Form?

HCAs are formed when amino acids (the building blocks of all proteins) and creatine (a chemical found in muscles) react at cooking temperatures. They are created in greater quantities when meats are cooked at high temperatures.

PAHs are formed by burning fat during open flame cooking. The smoke resulting from the burnt fat contains PAHs that are deposited on the surface of the meat.

Cancers In Animals

In animal studies, mice, rats and monkeys fed HCAs in their diet had increased rates of certain cancers. The most abundant HCAs in cooked muscle meats, PhIP, causes lymphomas (cancer of the lymph system) in mice as well as mammary and large intestine tumors in rats. Another HCA (known as IQ) was found to cause liver cancers in the majority of monkeys to which it was fed. Both PhOP and IQ (which were absorbed into the monkeys' bodies) have also been found to be mutagenic, ie since the 1980s.)

Potential Cancer Risk To Humans

These research results have raised concerns that HCAs may also be human carcinogens. This is compounded by the results of another different study - in which human volunteers ate 320grams (about 10 ounces) of cooked ground meat patties - which show that most of the HCAs eaten were absorbed into the body.

(In animal studies, most of the cancer - causing chemicals from meat eaten were found to be absorbed into the animals' bodies, where they were activated into cancer-causing chemicals, with only a small percentage excreted unchanged.)

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