Monday, November 5, 2007

Is Curing Cancer Possible?

It is Not, as far as the modern medication are concerned. But the sad thing is, almost all the doctors out there verified the whole world that cancer and especially the so called deadly one like Leukemia, Lymphoma, Liver Cancer and Mesothelioma cannot be cure at all. So, what they can do is only to try reduce the pain of the patient, physically and mentally. In this blog, I want to tell the world that it is Possible because God will not send down disease without sending down the cure as well. It's just up to Man to search for it, dig it and use it and then, express grattitute. Let us stick to this concept for a while even though some might not believe it. But you will believe if you were me. I have seen it, and touched it and feel the pain and have seen how it then recovered, completely - with the touch of nature by God permission.

It's in this one particular herbs lies the cure for Cancer. Most of the Cancer patients who was skeptical at first has turn up to be a believer and mesmerized with the efficacy of this elixir. Many Western doctors are to proud to accept this even though it has been proven to not only prevent but can kill all those cancer cell that invade the patient's body, provided you know how to consume it and how much to consume.
This herbs is a type of mushroom and it is called in many names - Lingzhi (in Chinese) or Reishi (in Japanese). The scientific name for it is Ganoderma Lucidum

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Rahsia Penawar Kanser Leukemia - Susu Kuda Liar

Rakaman dari Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) di TV3 tentang susu kuda liar. Di dalam susu inilah terdapatnya rahsia penyembuhan bagi penyakit Leukemia, jenis kanser darah yang paling digeruni dan paling bahaya.