Empat faktor mempengaruhi pembentukan HCA : jenis makanan, kaedah memasak, suhu dan masa. Daripada keempat-empat faktor itu, suhu menjadi faktor terpenting. Menggoreng, memanggang dan membarbeku makanan menghasilkan paling banyak HCAs memandangkan daging dimasak pada suhu yang amat tinggi. Daging merah yang dimasak di atas api pada suhu yang tinggi secara tiba-tiba akan menjadikan ianya bersifat karsinogenik. Contoh yang paling sesuai ialah satay. Namun begitu tahukah anda bahawa ada bahan yang boleh dimakan bersama untuk meneutralkan karsinogen dari proses ini iaitu timun. Secara tradisinya, timun memang dimakan bersama-sama satay. Bagaimana masyarakat terdahulu boleh mengetahui fakta tersebut yang baru diketahui akhir - akhir ini. Pelik bukan?
Four factors influence HCA formation : type of food, cooking method, temperature and time. Of the 4, temperature is the most important factor. According to the NCI, frying, broiling and barbecuing produce the largest amounts of HCAs because the meats are cooked at very high temperatures.
"Well Done" Meat Linked To Stomach Cancer
In another NCI study which assessed the diets and cooking habits of 176 people diagnosed with stomach cancer and 503 people without cancer, it was found that people who :
Hamburgers And Lymph Node Cancer
A study of 35,000 older women shows that those with diets high meat and animal fat , especially hamburger, have double the risk for lymph node cancer - also known as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Research believe that it may be related to the way the hamburgers are cooked.
Four factors influence HCA formation : type of food, cooking method, temperature and time. Of the 4, temperature is the most important factor. According to the NCI, frying, broiling and barbecuing produce the largest amounts of HCAs because the meats are cooked at very high temperatures.
"Well Done" Meat Linked To Stomach Cancer
In another NCI study which assessed the diets and cooking habits of 176 people diagnosed with stomach cancer and 503 people without cancer, it was found that people who :
- ate their beef "medium well" or "well done" had more than 3 times the risk of stomach cancer than those who ate their beef "rare" or "medium rare".
- ate beef 4 or more times a week had more than twice the risk of stomach cancer those who ate beef less frequently.
Hamburgers And Lymph Node Cancer
A study of 35,000 older women shows that those with diets high meat and animal fat , especially hamburger, have double the risk for lymph node cancer - also known as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Research believe that it may be related to the way the hamburgers are cooked.
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